Monday, July 30, 2012

I Started A Bucket List

Well, I started it about a year ago. It all began with life altering circumstances. One word that stops you in your tracks and makes everything else seem so insignificant.


One word and all of a sudden your whole life changes. So, when my daughter was diagnosed with cancer I did what I had to do. I left my job that day. I couldn't think straight enough to do my job and my boss wasn't one to put up with anything less no matter what the circumstances.  I went straight to Colorado where she lives and talked to Oncologists, and Surgeons. Plans were made and I came home to California for a few weeks to pack. Yup, we moved from California to Florida during all of this. We drove across the country, moved into a new house and I went about the business of making sure (as much as one can) that my daughter would get well.

That's been about one year ago. Chemo is over. Surgery is over. Three month check with the Oncologist is over and they say she is "cancer free".  So back to the bucket list. I kept saying to myself..."just get through this and do the things you've always wanted to do". That's a bucket list right?

One thing I always wanted was to make something that was worthy of being published. Why not? So many of my friends have been published. Why not me? Why? Because I have never thought of myself as an "artist" much less anything else. But it was something I wanted. So, I did it. I made something for me and thought it might just be good enough. It was for a challenge that Stampington had put out in Somerset Memories. The challenge was to show a way to display your photos that was not in a book.

After months of waiting I got the e-mail I had been waiting for. They are going to publish it! But not in the issued I had submitted it for. They are holding it for publication in Spring of 2013! Woo Hoo! Bucket list item number 1...check!


  1. Working!! Nice talking to you, maybe we could meet up for lunch sometime. I'm afraid to do bucket list because I know me.
    So glad you daughter is doing well, what a scare!
    How exciting to be published!! Remind us when it comes out!

  2. congrats! so well deserved :) and yes, do remind us when it comes out!! and keep plugging away...keep took me awhile to get something published but it really is so wonderful when you get that magazine in the mail with your name it :) and so glad to hear your daughter is cancer free...what a blessing to have a mother who would drop anything for her child!
