Saturday, July 14, 2012

Thoughts about building a blog

Some things I thought about last night...

My blog is plain and I would really like to "dress it up".

I know alot of people have moved on from blogging but I love the blogs of the people that have hung in there. I am sure there are lots of people out there that would like to blog and are just like me. Not completely computer illiterate but certainly not computer savvy either. Who are you? I would love to hear from you.

I am certainly not in the position to pay someone to build my blog for me. I am determined to do this myself but I sure could use some pointers. Are you with me? Let's find someone who would like to tutor some blogging fledglings. We could make this a self-help group! I'm not looking for a full on "Build A Blog" class just someone who would offer tips and tricks but allow us to figure some things out for ourselves. Does that make sense?

Let me anyone out there willing to explore building a blog with me?


  1. Love your header! So far so good, it's fun to watch it grow and change along the way. When I get back maybe we could meet up and I can give you some pointers. I'm not that good but I do know a little bit. Have fun! I say "I have blogging responsibilities"

  2. That would be great! I would like to think that I have "blogging possibilities"!

  3. It looks good Kim. I still have my old blog but have not done much with it. To be honest I have forgotten how :)
